CALGROUP Environmental provides a comprehensive on site Environmental and Waste Management program to Commercial and Industrial Customers.
- Reduce waste and utility costs
- Increase recycling and reuse rates
- Manage all waste streams arising incl general, haz, recyclable, specialised
- Improve level of Services
- Provide detail reporting and compliance
- Provide full end of life solution for each stream
Our programmes are implemented by our on-site services team of highly qualified personnel that can manage the waste and utilities on your site, allowing you to concentrate on your core business. As Site Service Representatives (SSR) these people ensure that all waste generated on-site is appropriately managed and disposed of, including completion of reports, labeling and tracking of waste, collection of disposal certificates and entering data onto customers systems (should they so wish).
With an SSR, you have the benefit of direct face-to-face daily contact with a trained waste manager who can deal with waste issues quickly and professionally. Furthermore, you will only have to deal with one company to manage your waste.
Depending on your requirements, waste volumes and types generated the SSRs can spend from a half day a week, up to permanently, on-site managing your waste.
Our programmes can deliver
- Substantial waste disosal cost savings
- Enables full compliance to Regulations
- Deliver value return on Particular waste streams
- Reporting at a company and project level
- Includes measurement of waste arisings and their management routes
- Benchmarks for forecasting your waste arisings
- Site specific programmes
- High level of Service
- Suitable for all types of Industry
If you wish us to carry out a site survey and preliminary proposal Please contact us Today